Cat sleeping positions decoded

sleeping positions decoded

Cats have many aww-inducing sleep positions that are just too cute not to share. Is it possible these very same sleeping styles might reveal something about our cats’ moods or needs as well?

Science is sorely lacking in this adorable area of study, but we’ve given it a great deal of thought, and here’s what we think these poses could mean.

Put our theories to the test! Do these interpretations match your cat’s behavior?

The belly bared.
Your cat is in deep sleep with their soft, fuzzy belly exposed to the world. This is the most relaxed of all sleep positions. Your cat is feeling the zen.

The loaf.
Staying upright with their paws tucked in cutely, your cat may look like a loaf of bread, but they’re certainly not loafing around! They’re catching the quintessential catnap from which they’re ready to jump into action at any moment.

The pretzel.
Your little contortionist is in a shape you can’t quite describe (and certainly can’t copy!). Your quirky cat is in a playful mood and would love a good game—as soon as naptime is over, that is.

The curl.
Or should this be called the bagel? Your cat is curled up into a tiny ball. Your furry friend is feeling the cold and is keeping warm in this cozy pose.

The side slumber.
Your cat is lying limply on their side. They are tuckered out and catching up on some well-deserved beauty sleep!

The box.
Leave a box out, and what do you get? Cat in a box. Your cat’s wild roots are calling, making the small, tight space seem like the perfect hideout. Perhaps a good round of stalking games is in order next.

The cuddle.
Easily the cutest of all, this sleeping option requires snuggling up with a favorite toy, another pet or—best of all—you! Your cuddle bug is feeling the need for love and connection.


Does your cat turn around before lying down? Find out the reason why! >>