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April Hyatt

Client Service Representative

April Hyatt joined our team in July of 2018.  Her focus on customer service is very much an asset to us.  April grew up in Frankfort thinking she wanted to work for NASA until she realized how much math was involved!  Frankfort continues to be home for her, her daughter (Lillie) and their 14-year old Lhasa Apso (Libby) who they adopted in 2019.  April loves all animals, but Boxers and Shih Tzus especially tug at her heart strings.  She says her favorite part of working here is “the dogs, clients, and her co-workers”.

Pet Care Specialists

Just as we emphasize health, we also understand the value of providing a full line of care to our clients, which may include boarding and/or grooming services. Our team of caring and compassionate staff are here to offer your pets exceptional services that keep them feeling and looking their best while you're away.