
Thank you for choosing our hospital to board your pet!  We provide quality boarding and daycare with a personal touch.  Every attempt will be made to give your pet a safe and enjoyable stay. While staying with us your pet will be under the supervision of our Kennel Attendants.  Upon admission, one of these professionals will provide your pet with a health check.  We strive to maintain a sanitary and healthy environment for our patients.

There will be a ½ day charge for boarding if you drop off before noon and/or pick-up after noon.


All pets must be up to date on their vaccinations within 72 hours of their stay. It is the owner's responsibility to make sure that proof of current vaccinations are on file with the hospital at the time of admission. If vaccinations have been administered at another veterinary hospital and they are closed at the time of admission and proof of vaccination is not on file, your pet will not be allowed to stay.  Boarding animals less than four months of age is not recommended because they may not have developed complete immunity.

Dogs: DHP-PV with Leptospirosis, Rabies, Bordetella, Influenza (bivalent), fecal test (every 6 months).

Cats: FVRCP-P, Rabies, fecal test (annually). A negative FeLV/FIV test within the past 2 months and current FeLV vaccination is required for kitty playtime.

Internal/External Parasites

All pets must be free of parasites, including fleas and ticks. Pets found with parasites will be treated at regular hospital rates. Your pet, whether staying with us for daycare or boarding, will need to have a current stool check (every 6 months for dogs, yearly for cats) that shows your pet is negative for intestinal parasites. If your pet is not current, they will have a stool test done at regular hospital rates. If intestinal parasites are found, your pet will be treated accordingly at regular hospital rates.

Rates and Payment

A deposit is required for all clients and extended boarding. Rates are calculated on a daily basis. Boarding is charged by the number of days stayed, and charges are updated at closing time. Half day charges may accrue for boarding and/or daycare if your pet is here past the 12 pm deadline for pickup. Other services provided to your pet during boarding are charged at regular cost.

Medical Illness/Injury Policy

One of the advantages of boarding your pet with a veterinary hospital is that medical attention is readily available for our guests.  If your pet needs medical attention, we will call the emergency number that was given to us on admission.  If we are unable to contact you, your pet will be treated as we deem necessary, at regular hospital rates. If your pet is currently on any medication or supplement, please inform us at admission. Charges for administering these are based on the frequency of dosages and the means of administration. We cannot accept medications or supplements added to food bags, they must be in labeled containers.

If an event results in injury to your pet, or your pet cause’s injury to another pet or person, you will be responsible for all charges associated with said injury. VCA Avondale Veterinary Hospital and its employees are not to be held liable for any and all personal injury or property damage which may be sustained arising out of any interactions between pets participating in daycare and/or boarding as well as any and all injury, illness, or disease sustained by your pet stemming from their participation in daycare and/or boarding.

Inherent Conditions

Occasionally pets may develop problems from environmental and dietary changes. Signs may include: vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, and self-trauma such as scratching or biting their skin. We take great care so that these problems won’t occur and we treat our guests promptly, if needed. However, please be aware that these conditions can develop and the hospital is not financially responsible for these inherent conditions if they occur.

Personal Belongings

Leaving personal belongings, toys, blankets, bedding, etc., is allowed but discouraged due to sanitation and orderliness requirements. If you have questions, please discuss with the admitting attendant. This facility is not responsible for any items lost or soiled.


Please notify us if there is any change of plans in your pet’s scheduled departure date. If you do not notify us of a change in departure date, and either we do not hear from you or are unable to contact you or your authorized agent for a period of 7 days after scheduled departure date, the hospital will consider your pet abandoned. Please be advised that the pet owner will be responsible for the fees accrued and any other fees or legal services incurred by the hospital as a result of the abandonment.

Cancellation Policy

VCA Avondale Pet Resort requires a 24-hour notice for cancelling a boarding reservation. If you fail to provide a 24-hour notice, we will charge you for one night stay for each pet on the reservation. A 48-hour notice for cancelling is required at the holidays.


We may take photographs, video, or digital recordings of the facility, pets, clients, and staff on a regular basis for use in advertising. These images are therein property of VCA Avondale Veterinary Hospital and these images may be used without compensation.

Payment is expected at the time services are rendered. Checks are not an option for payment.

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