
Positive, Proven Training Methods that Feature:

Over 35 Years Experience

Extensive Puppy Programs

dogs with whistle icon

Group & Private Lessons Available

Positive Training Methods

Drop In Classes Available

Proven, Positive Training Methods from VCA Willow Creek Dog Training

VCA Willow Creek Dog Training opened its doors to the pet community over 35 years ago. Our goal was, and still is, to help solve your training problems and make your pet the best family member possible.  

Our instructors have years of experience with hundreds of dogs and people. We have developed a program that is adaptable to all breeds and most temperaments of dogs. 

Each class focuses on:

  • Creating communication between you and your dog.
  • Giving tools to build a strong relationship between you and your dog.
  • Teaching impulse control so your dog can think before acting.
  • Improving your dog’s manners at home and in public.

Dog Classes Offered

Puppy Preschool

Our Puppy Preschool is designed for puppies 9 weeks to 1 year of age. It is a four hour or all day class led by our dog trainers.

It is designed to help young dogs work on self control, manners, and life skills. As puppies get older, they need different training and focus work. They get more confidence and become more boisterous with their play, so they need to understand how to control their desire to be independent, continue to work on listening to their owners, and respond at a higher level of thinking.

Cost: $39.50 for am, $39.50 for pm and $66 all day

Puppy Socialization

Drop in class for puppies to socialize with other puppies and owners. Dog trainer supervises playtime and answers basic questions.

Saturdays: 10:00 am - 11:00 am: age 11 weeks - 5 months; 11:15 am - 12:15 pm: age 5 months - 1 year
Cost: $10 per class

Puppy Kindergarten

Puppy Kindergarten is all about introducing your puppy to basic concepts and helping you lay the foundation for a trusting relationship with your pet.

This class covers:

  • Puppy behaviors such as potty training, teething/bite inhibition, and sleeping through the night/crate training.
  • Developing communication and understanding basic manners like sit, down, come (recalls) and off (no jumping).
  • Teaching impulse control - teaching your puppy to think before he acts.
  • Appropriate play and socialization with other puppies and new people.

Ages: Puppies 11 - 16 weeks
$210 for 5 weeks - one hour each week
Vaccines required (see below) 

Beginning Dog Obedience

This class is perfect for adolescent dogs and older dogs who need a better understanding of basic commands and how to respond to them when distractions are present. 

This class covers:

  • Teaching important life skill manners like leash walking and heeling, polite greeting with other dogs and people, and commands such as stay, wait, and off.
  • Improving impulse control by helping your dog with their decision making skills.
  • Proper socialization with people and other dogs, such as knowing when to say hi and when to leave it.

Requirements: 5 months or older or a graduate of Puppy Kindergarten
$210 for 5 weeks - one hour each week
Vaccines required (see below) 

Advanced Dog Obedience

Advanced Obedience is a fast paced class that is meant to challenge you and your dog and build on basic skills learned in Beginning Dog Obedience. 

This class covers:

  • Fun and challenging activities that emphasize consistency, trust and fairness.
  • Increase your dog’s manners by increasing expectations of appropriate behavior in challenging situations.
  • Increase listening skills through leash work, recalls with distractions, and exercises to enforce stay and wait.

Requirements: Dogs who have graduated Beginning Obedience or have equivalent skills
Cost: $210 for 5 weeks - one hour each week
Vaccines required (see below)

Dog Agility Training

Foundation Agility gives owners and dogs a fun venue to learn new skills while teaching teamwork between the dog and owner. It is recommended that dogs have taken Beginning Obedience or have similar skills before taking this class.

This class covers:

  • Basic agility commands, basic handling, and an introduction to some equipment.

Requirements: Dogs need to have an understanding of basic commands and self control such as being able to sit and come; NO AGGRESSIVE DOGS PLEASE
Cost:  $210 for 5 weeks - one hour each week (classes are offered from spring - fall)
Vaccines required (see below)

Other Classes Offered:

  • Walk in the Park
  • Recall
  • Rally

Vaccines Required

Puppies under 12 weeks:
Need one set of vaccines given by a licensed veterinarian.

Distemper-Parvo (DA2PP), Bordetella and a negative fecal test.
(All puppies must remain on a vaccine schedule every 3-4 weeks until approximately 4-6 months of age)

Puppies 4 months and under:
Need 2 sets of vaccines with at least one given by a licensed veterinarian.

Distemper-Parvo (DA2PP), Bordetella, Canine Influenza (CIV) and a negative fecal test.
Rabies will be given around 16 weeks after first rabies vaccine and every 3 years after that.

Dogs 6 months and older:
We require the following vaccines: Rabies, Distemper-Parvo (DA2PP), Bordetella, Canine Influenza (CIV) and a negative fecal test.

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