Staff Image
Mary E.
Veterinary Assistant

Where did you grow up?
I was born and grew up on Colorado Springs, Colorado, until I was 12 years old and moved around a little bit before coming to Prescott, Arizona.

Do you have any pets of your own?
I do have three dogs–Teenie, Shalom and Bruno; a gecko named Groot; and a plethora of fish.

What made you join the medical field?
I joined the pet medical field because I have always had a heart for animals and their health. I always wanted to save all the runaways and help the hurt animals. I love being able to know that I can help bring them comfort and love in the process.

What do you like doing for fun when you are not working?
On my days off, I enjoy the outdoors and take my dogs on adventures around Prescott, as well as go kayaking.

Veterinarian Support

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