Diagnostic Imaging Radiology

Digital Radiography

Radiographs, or x-ray studies, use x-ray energy to create an image (radiograph) of the body. This is the most frequently used form of veterinary imaging. Images are produced by passing x-ray energy through the body. The energy that reaches the other side is detected by a plate and converted into a digital image. In many cases between two to four radiographic views are obtained with the patient in different positions to assess the area of interest. Radiographs are used to diagnose diseases in the chest, abdomen, and musculoskeletal system and to monitor recovery from illnesses such as pneumonia or congestive heart failure or to assess healing of a fracture following musculoskeletal surgery or external coaptation (bracing or casting). Contrast studies of the gastrointestinal and urinary tract can also be performed.

Copies of digital radiographs can be easily shared with you and your primary veterinarian. 

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