Itchy pet: what does it mean?

itchy pet

Is it fleas? An allergy? Or is it an infection? When our pets get itchy, we know it—they may scratch, chew, lick or excessively groom, scoot or shake their head. To help them stop chasing the itch and get on with living their best life, you and your veterinarian need to get to the bottom of the problem so it can be treated.


The common causes of itchiness in pets fit into three main categories:

Allergies. Like people, allergies in pets are a state of over-activity of the immune system to one or more substances—or allergens. It’s like the immune system is “confused” and reacts to normal substances like pollen and dust, or foods that your pet has eaten in the past. Another common allergy is flea saliva, making flea bites intensely itchy. A single flea bite can cause itching for days. 

Parasites. As mentioned above flea bites can cause an allergic reaction, if your pet is allergic to flea saliva. But even without an allergy, flea bites can cause discomfort and skin irritation, leading to an itchy pet. Other critters including ticks, mites and lice can cause itchiness. Because fleas and ticks are quick and like to find warm moist areas to hide, you may not even notice them on your pet. Mites are so tiny that you can’t see them with your naked eye—your veterinarian can only see them under a microscope after taking a skin sample.

Infection. Quite often a pet scratches so much from an allergy or parasite bites that they create small abrasions which can allow yeast, bacteria and fungi to invade. These types of infections are uncomfortable on their own, but combined with other underlying skin diseases, the itching can be intense.

If you notice your pet is itchy, it’s best to take your pet to your veterinarian so they can determine the cause. After an initial examination, tests and treatments may be prescribed to rule out possible causes and to help reach a diagnosis. Book an appointment with your veterinarian with the myVCA app.


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