ZooMED Animal Medicine, also known as Zoological Companion Medicine (ZooMED), is the medical care and treatment of zoological companion patients, or ZooMED. This is a discipline that requires a broad and extensive depth of knowledge.
Our team treats small mammals.
We understand that zoological companion patients are unique and delicate. Their anatomy, physiology, and behavior is vastly different from dogs and cats yet they require the same amount of expertise and care. Our team is well prepared with the skills needed to diagnose and treat your pet. Our facility is also equipped with specialized technology to meet your pet’s unique needs, while keeping your special friend safe and comfortable.
Yearly wellness examinations are strongly recommended for all zoological companion patients. Unlike dogs and cats, zoological companion animals instinctively hide their symptoms of illness as long as possible. This means that just because they look healthy doesn't mean that they actually are. The yearly wellness examination is an opportunity to review care and husbandry requirements and to detect possible problems early in an effort to treat health conditions before they become advanced.