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Tara Rees

Medical Director


Dr. Tara Rees was raised in the Seattle area and received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Seattle University in 1998. In Fall of 2018, she moved back to South Central Alaska, after a decade of practicing veterinary medicine in Silverdale, WA. Tara has loved Alaska deeply, ever since she set foot in Juneau back in 1998. 

At that time, Tara was working in Washington as a marine mammal trainer in zoos and aquariums. She was eager to work with these animals in the wild and relocated to Juneau, where she worked as a whale watching naturalist, observing Humpback whales, Orcas, Stellar sea lions, Harbor seals and Bald eagles. In 2001, she moved north to Seward, to become a member of the first marine mammal team at the Alaska SeaLife Center. She and members of her team trained the captive Stellar sea lions and Harbors seals to participate in both their own health care and environmental enrichment, as well as ongoing research projects. Operant conditioning and positive reinforcement training allowed the animals to voluntarily provide blood and saliva samples, position themselves for radiographs and ultrasound exams, as well as other husbandry behaviors. As part of the rescue and rehabilitation program, she worked with otter, walrus and seal pups. 

Tara’s natural curiosity led her to a career in veterinary medicine.  She received her doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Washington State University in 2007. Dr. Rees’s dedication to animal training and low-stress handling has never diminished. She really likes helping her patients with socialization and basic training, as well as treatment of behavioral problems. Dr. Rees’ free time is spent with her two her two pit bulls, Palmer and Poe, and her feline friends, Brooks and Katmai. She enjoys yoga, kayaking and hiking. 



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