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Tobie Faith
Staff Veterinarian DVM
Dr. Tobie Faith grew up in Half Moon Bay and received her undergraduate degree in genetics from UC Davis. She worked at UCD in a research laboratory studying Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and Feline Leukemia Virus prior to going to veterinary school. She graduated with honors from the UC Davis school of Veterinary medicine in 1999.

Dr. Faith worked at a variety of hospitals and clinics before joining VCA Cordova Veterinary Hospital in September 2020. She loves working here and especially enjoys internal medicine and soft-tissue surgery. She also has a special interest in animal behavior and pet loss therapy.

A 20-year cancer survivor, Dr. Faith credits that experience for her compassion and for giving her an overall perspective on life. She uses those traits to help clients come to the decision concerning their pets that is best for their families.

On her days off at home in Davis, Dr. Faith enjoys the company of her family. She and her husband, Steve, have two "adult" kids, a daughter and a son, who enjoy playing with their other "kids" in the house—the dog and three cats (one who thinks he is a dog).

Dr. Faith also likes biking and camping, ceramics and reading. And in her "spare" time, she plays the piano.


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