Our Veterinary Services

Our doctors and staff at Indian Land Animal Hospital are dedicated to providing the best care for your furry family member. Since 1986, we have performed routine visits, medical, surgical, and dental services to keep your pet happy and well. As animal lovers ourselves, we understand the bond between you and your pet, so we work diligently to help your furry friend live a long, healthy life. Our facility has all the modern amenities our patients need to keep them comfortable while reducing anxiety. We aim to make our practice a place where your pet isn’t afraid to visit, and that’s accredited to our wonderful staff’s friendly, compassionate demeanor.

Featured Services

Happy Pets
Advanced Dental Care
Happy Pets
Geriatric Medicine
Happy Pets
Health Certificates
Happy Pets
In-Office Surgical Suite
Happy Pets
New Kitten and New Puppy Packages
Happy Pets
Preventive Medicine
Happy Pets