Internal Medicine

Pain Management

Just like us, pets feel the pain of illness, injury or surgery. We can recognize the subtle signs indicating a problem and use diagnostic tools (physical exams, blood tests, radiographs, ultrasonography, endoscopic examinations) to help pinpoint causes of discomfort.  Effective pain management is crucial in the care and comfort of your best friend. It can also lessen the chance of serious complications, and even death.

Pets should be given pain medications when:

  • Recovering from trauma from an accident or injury, such as being hit by a car, getting bitten by another animal or a sprain from over-active play.
  • Undergoing any surgical or invasive procedure, from simple lump removal or laceration repair, to more major procedures including spay, neuter, knee surgery, hip replacement or other surgical procedures.
  • Suffering from painful illnesses or conditions such as urinary tract blockage, arthritis, dental disease and certain forms of cancer.
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