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Anne-Marie S.

Office Manager


Anne-Marie is a licensed RVT that graduated in 2000 with an AS degree in Veterinary Technology. She has worked at BAVS her entire RVT career and cannot imagine working anywhere else. Anne-Marie began as an in-patient critical care technician yet has worn many hats as well. Her passion has always been patient care and that is a real asset to being our Client Services Manager. Anne-Marie's strong belief in the patient comes first and high standards of care help drive our team to better understand our client experience.

When Anne-Marie is not at work she is spending her time with her family and furry children Layla, Buster the rescue mutt, and two old men cats Stanley and Tony.


The hospital administration team consists of management personnel who oversee all staff members, hospital activities and the facilities. Together, they keep the hospital running smoothly, ensuring quality patient care and excellent client service. From the moment you check in, our administrative staff is here to deliver the best possible experience to you and your pet before, during and after your visit.
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