Primary Care

Pain Management

Because pets can't always tell you that they are in pain, it is important to know what warning signs to look for!

Keeping your pet pain-free is crucial to maintaining his or her quality of life. Our veterinarians are skilled in the management of both temporary and chronic pain. Each patient is different, and each case unique. This means that our doctors must be able to respond with multiple solutions.

Some of the methods available include:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  • Opioid Drugs
  • Local Anesthetics
  • General Anesthetics
  • Epidural Anesthesia
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic Therapy

If your pet is dealing with acute pain, our goal is to prevent the nerves from perceiving and remembering this pain, in order to avoid the pain developing in to a chronic symptom. For this reason, pet management protocols are a part of the treatment for all invasive procedures, such as surgeries.

So how do you know if your pet is suffering from pain? Just like people, each pet reacts differently to pain. Some may be better at communicating their discomfort than others. In general, cats tend to hide their pain and illnesses better than dogs, so it is very important to keep an eye out for warning signs.

Some of these can include:

  • Depression or Inactivity
  • Rising Slowly, or Collapsing to Lie Down
  • Walking Stiffly
  • Resting More Frequently on Walks
  • Lameness
  • Lack of Appetite
  • Unusually Aggressive Behavior
  • Trembling
  • Whimpering or Hissing
  • Inappropriate Elimination
  • Unusually Flattened Ears or Tucked Tail
  • Standing or Sitting in Unusual Positions

It is very important to never give your pet human medications. Medications which can be beneficial to you can be harmful, or even deadly to your pets. If your pet is suffering from any of these conditions, we recommend you schedule an appointment to see your veterinarian. Together, you can create a pain management plan which will bring your pet comfort and keep him or her in good health.