Choosing the Right Puppy from a Litter

By Courtney Barnes, BSc, DVM; Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM

Are you getting a puppy? What kind of dog do you want: big or small, long haired or short haired, purebred or sweetly mixed? Have you located a litter of available pups? Do you know how to pick just the right pup from the litter to call your own?

There are many factors to consider when getting a new dog, including home size, time available for play and exercise, and healthcare costs.

How do I choose a healthy pup?

To select a healthy puppy, it is important to do your research:

  1. Talk to the owner. Ask about appetite and elimination. Do all the pups eat dry puppy food? Have they vomited or had diarrhea? Have the pups been treated for intestinal parasites? All pups should be dewormed every two weeks starting at two weeks of age.
  2. Observe the littermates in action. Do they all play together or is there a quiet one that retreats to a corner? Is there one pup that always seems to come out on top of the heap? If you want an assertive pet, that one may be for you. If you want a more docile friend, retrieve the pup from the corner. Regardless of their disposition, you will still need to socialize them and consider further training.
  3. Survey their overall appearance. Do the puppies' coats shine? Are they dull or flaky? Do you see any bald spots or sores? Pups should have healthy, shiny coats with no areas of hair loss or redness.
  4. Watch them move. Do they move around on all four legs? Does anyone limp? Pups have a clumsy gait but should bear weight evenly on all their limbs.
  5. Assess the parents and the environment. Ideally, at least the mother dog will be on site. Does she appear healthy and well cared for? Is the environment where they have been housed clean? If the parents are purebred dogs, has testing been done to assess for genetic conditions that may be breed-associated?

There are one or two pups that I really like. What should I look for?

After assessing the litter, focus on a single pup. Separate the pup from its siblings and give it a closer look. Pay attention to these areas:

  1. Eyes. Eyes should be clear with no redness or drainage. There should be no hair loss around the eyes. The pup should not squint or rub at their eyes.
  2. Ears. Ears should not have an odor or discharge. The ear flaps should be covered in healthy hair. Scratching at the ear is a sign of trouble.
  3. Nose. It is okay for the nose to have a slight, clear discharge, but discolored drainage is not normal. The pup should breathe easily and noiselessly from his nose.
  4. Head. The top of the head may have a small soft spot. If the soft area is larger than a dime, this could indicate future problems associated with “open fontanelles”, which are openings between the bones/plates of the skull.
  5. Mouth. The pup’s gums (mucus membranes) should be moist and healthy pink in color. The baby teeth should all be in. The top and bottom teeth should align, although some breeds commonly have a breed-specific underbite (e.g., bulldogs, Boston terriers, Pekingese).
  6. Body wall. Look at the pup’s belly for a protrusion around the navel, which could indicate an umbilical hernia. If anything pokes out in this area, surgical correction may be necessary.
  7. Skin. You already looked at the puppies' coats while surveying the litter. Now take a closer look at the individual puppy. There should be no areas of hair loss, no pustules (pus-filled bumps or pimples), no redness, and no flaking.
  8. Genitalia. Male puppies should have two testicles in the scrotum. If not, then the testicles may be retained, a condition called cryptorchidism. Affected puppies will require additional surgical time to neuter them.

How do I know what the puppy’s personality will be?

Accurate temperament testing is not possible at a very young age, but you can get a general idea of your pup’s personality. Do they seem interested in playing? Do they sniff or nudge your hand when you hold it out and welcome your touch? Are they comfortable around people or do they cower when you approach? See if the puppy will roll over on its back for a belly rub. Pups that remain in that position are typically easygoing, while pups that resist being rolled onto their backs often have a more independent nature. Do not force the dog to stay in that position, as it can be stressful.

When should we see the veterinarian for the first time?

Bring your new puppy to the veterinarian for a “pre-purchase exam” as soon as possible. Even though you may have already paid the owner, this is called “pre-purchase” because most reputable breeders and adoption organizations will allow a probationary period (often 72 hours) before the agreement is finalized. It is a good idea to schedule a veterinary appointment the same day you pick up your pup to promptly identify any problems.

After the cursory exam, your veterinarian will investigate further by listening to the pup’s heart, looking at the eyes and ears under magnification, assessing teeth and gums, palpating the abdomen, checking the lymph nodes, identifying hernias or open fontanelles, looking for fleas and ticks, and testing for intestinal parasites. Your veterinarian may also update immunizations and prescribe parasite preventatives for heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, and/or ticks.

What do I do when I bring my pup home?

Bring a clean towel from home and rub the mother dog and a couple of littermates with it. Wrap your pup in this familiar scent to ease the transition to a new home. When you walk through the front door for the first time with your pup, take a minute to acquaint them with their new surroundings. Let them explore the house, sniffing as they go along. Sit with them quietly, providing lots of hugs. Then try a little playtime to further cement your new bond. Take them on a walk to show where they will eliminate or introduce them to potty pads.

Designate an area of low traffic flow where they will eat and sleep. This location may also be where you set up their crate. Have clean food and water bowls ready. For the first day, feed your pup the same food at the same times the previous owner did. If you and your veterinarian think it best to change foods or alter feeding schedule, do so gradually. Most pups eat two or three times a day. Monitor food intake for the first few days; it may be decreased as the pup adjusts to its new home. And make sure they drink plenty of water.

When bedtime comes, cuddle the pup a little, place their towel next to them in their bed or crate, leave a soft radio on or other white noise, and say good night. Hopefully, you and your pup will sleep well, so you can enjoy the first of many fun-filled days together.

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