Skunk Spray and Your Dog

By Krista Williams, BSc, DVM, CCRP; Cheryl Yuill, DVM, MSc, CVH

Where does skunk spray come from?

Skunks have a pair of specialized sacs located in their anus; each sac is connected to the outside by a small duct that opens just inside the anus. The sacs are pouches that store an extremely foul-smelling secretion produced by glands that line the sacs.

What is in skunk spray?

It is necessary for the average dog owner to understand a little about the nature of skunk spray to neutralize it effectively.

The secretion is a yellow oil that will cling to most surfaces and, like all oils, it does not mix with water. Skunk spray contains many different volatile compounds (compounds that readily become gas) that are responsible for its repulsive smell. These compounds are thiols or thioacetates. Most thiols bind strongly and rapidly to skin proteins.

Although thioacetates are usually less smelly than thiols, they are readily converted into thiols when they are mixed with water – which is why skunk odor becomes more pungent when the animal becomes wet.

Why do skunks spray?

Skunks are naturally docile animals and rarely take the offensive. However, if a skunk becomes alarmed or is threatened by another animal or a person, it uses its spray as a defensive weapon. Skunks’ distinctive color and markings act as an effective visual warning to animals that have had a previous skunk encounter; however, this visual warning is ineffective on inexperienced dogs.

Before unleashing its repugnant spray, most skunks try to deter the threat by hissing, stamping their feet, and arching their tails high over their backs. If the threat persists, the skunk will take aim and fire its spray at the target. Skunks can eject their spray across a distance of several feet (some sources say up to 5 meters or 15 feet).

When or where is a skunk encounter likely to happen?

The odds of meeting a skunk increase in the warmer months of the year. During the winter months, skunks are generally less active and rarely eat. They do not hibernate for the winter, but they do spend most of their time in their dens for warmth.

Mating season usually starts in February, so this is when you will start to see (or smell) them.   In the warmer months, they tend to be most active around dawn or dusk, although they may forage for food at other times of the day or night.

In the wild, most skunks live in a den that they dig in the ground, but they may also make their home in a tree stump, wood pile, cave, rock pile, or abandoned building. In populated areas, skunks are often content to make a home in your garden shed, beneath your deck, or in the crawl space under your cottage.

Many skunks select their home based on convenient access to a food source, which may be grubs and insects in the lawn, a handy compost heap, a convenient garbage bin, or a ready-to-eat buffet from your dog's or cat's food dishes, if you keep them outdoors.

Skunks mate in late winter/early spring and the females are pregnant for a little over two months. Male skunks do not participate in the rearing of their young. The babies or kits are weaned when they are about two months old, but stay with their mother until they are 6–12 months old. The mother skunk is very protective of her kits and will spray at any sign of danger.

How can I lessen the chances of my dog meeting a skunk?

Since skunks tend to be more active at dawn and dusk, avoid taking your dog for a walk in wooded areas or letting your dog out in the yard during these times of the day. Although you can often detect the telltale smell of a skunk before it gets too close, sometimes there may be no warning that a skunk is nearby.

Take steps to make your property less attractive to skunks. Eliminate readily available food sources such as garbage or pet food. Block access to sheds and areas beneath your deck or porch. Remove piles of brush or wood and any dead tree stumps that might make an appealing shelter to a skunk.

How can I get rid of skunk odor on my dog?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a skunk will spray your dog. Most commonly, dogs are sprayed on or around the head. Not only does skunk spray smell extremely foul, but it can also cause nausea or vomiting.

If your dog gets sprayed directly in the eyes or mouth, seek immediate veterinary treatment.

  • If your dog swallows the spray, it may cause severe anemia.
  • If it gets in your dog’s eyes, it acts like tear gas, causing excessive tearing, burning and redness. It can damage the delicate cornea of the eye and cause temporary blindness.

If the spray is not causing your dog serious distress, you can take matters into your own. To neutralize the odor associated with skunk spray, you need to break down the oils so that they can be washed off the fur or skin. You also need to change the chemical structure of the volatile compounds so that they become substances with little to no odor. Despite the old wives' tale, tomato juice does not work as an odor neutralizer; it only makes a big mess! Nor does vinegar work effectively.

Chemists have developed several commercial products to neutralize skunk spray; some are more effective than others. Unfortunately, many encounters between dogs and skunks occur in the late evening or middle of the night when stores and veterinary clinics are closed, so you cannot go and buy the product when you need it.

By studying the nature of the secretions, scientists have determined what combination of products readily available around the home have the potential to help neutralize skunk odor on your dog. Most homemade recipes involve a combination of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish detergent in varying amounts. The most common recipe is 3-4 parts hydrogen peroxide to 1 part of baking soda, with about a teaspoon of dish detergent.

The dish detergent breaks down the oil so that it can be washed away, while the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda act as oxidizing agents, changing the chemical structure of the thiols into odorless sulfonic acid compounds. To be effective, the solution must be used while “fresh”, or still bubbling, and must be applied directly to the sprayed areas.

Are there any concerns with using a homemade odor neutralizer?

Yes. You should never use solutions that contain peroxide near the eyes, and you must be very cautious about applying them near the mouth. Be aware that peroxide may bleach your dog's fur, and is especially noticeable if your dog is black or dark brown. Also, the peroxide can bleach any material it contacts (such as your clothes or furniture).

"...never use solutions that contain peroxide near the eyes..."

When using the homemade product, it is common to notice the “eau de skunk” smell every time your dog gets wet over the next few months. This rarely occurs when a commercial odor eliminator is used according to directions.

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

In both Canada and the United States, skunks are carriers of rabies virus. On an annual basis, approximately 20% of animals that test positive for rabies in the United States are skunks, while in Canada, it’s 40%.

What is the best advice?

If you cannot purchase a commercial odor neutralizer, you can get temporary relief by using the homemade recipe above. For permanent elimination of the smell on your dog, use a commercial odor neutralizer that is recommended by your veterinarian. Use a commercial product that is safe for your furnishings or other contaminated clothing. However, the best advice is to avoid contact between your dog and any resident skunks in your area, not only for the sake of your nose, but also to avoid any potential exposure to rabies.

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