True or False: Puppies and kittens usually lose all their baby teeth by 6 months of age.
Answer: True 

baby teeth true or false

Puppies and kittens really do grow up fast! As tiny 10-week-olds, they already start losing their baby teeth so that by a mere 6 months of age, these growing furballs sport a complete set of shiny new adult teeth with not a baby tooth in sight.


Thank goodness this process happens so quickly too! Teething puppies and kittens are little agents of destruction, chewing on almost anything to soothe teething discomfort. Offering your growing friend plenty of safe chew toys will help keep their gnawing to appropriate items. Puppy- and kitten-proofing the house can also help keep tempting chew targets, like shoes, belts or kid’s toys, out of reach.

If your puppy or kitten has a baby tooth that refuses to fall out even though an adult tooth is erupting in the same spot, consult your veterinarian. Often extraction of the baby tooth is necessary to make space for the adult tooth to grow in correctly.


Even puppies and kittens should have their teeth brushed regularly! Find dental care and plenty of helpful toothbrushing tips here. >>

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