Pet Counseling

Our hospital offers counseling for issues that may be affecting your pet. These issues could range from a pet being overweight and needing nutritional counseling to changes in behavior that require behavior modification. If your pet is experiencing pain, house soiling, irritability, aggression, anxiety or compulsive behaviors, consult your pet’s veterinarian. Our team is able to help find the root cause of your pet’s problem and devise a treatment plan. If the problem is beyond our staff’s ability to treat, we will refer you to another trusted and trained professional for assistance.

Available Services
  • woman with cat on counter

    Illness doesn't always have a physical cause, and the sad truth is that more dogs are put to sleep because of behavioral problems than because of disease or injury. Dog obedience training can ensure your canine is a safe and enjoyable member of your family. From training puppies to addressing unwanted behavior in an older dog, our veterinarians can help you achieve a better bond with your furry friend.... Read more

  • Obesity is the number one nutritional problem facing pets today and can lead to severe health problems if not addressed.  Pets with certain medical conditions such as liver, kidney, bladder, heart disease, or obesity often require specific nutritional therapy to minimize symptoms of their disease. If your pet has any of these conditions, contact your veterinarian to discuss possible dietary recommendations or alterations.... Read more