Primary Care

Our hospital offers primary care services that cover every pet’s basic needs. These services include spays and neuters, health exams, laboratory and pharmacy services, dental care, and much more! Please click on any of the subheadings listed below to learn more about the primary care services available to your pet.

Available Services
  • Anesthesia indicates the use of medication to block sensation, typically resulting in unconsciousness Anesthesia is induced using a variety of medications, both injectable and inhaled ... Read more

  • Dogs and cats don't often get cavities But they do frequently suffer from other types of dental disease Periodontal or gum disease, in fact, is the number one illness found in both dogs and cats... Read more

  • End of life decisions for our pets are never easy. Our staff understands the pain that comes with this choice, and we are here to help you cope in this difficult time.  

    Sometimes, a healthy recovery and comfortable existence for sick, injured, or elderly pets is not possible.... Read more

  • Our hospital is proud to offer our clients a complete diagnostic laboratory. Our in clinic laboratory machines can perform complete blood cell counts, complete chemistry panels, including liver, kidney, and pancreatic enzyme function tests, glucose, and electrolytes. Additionally, our hospital can send samples out to a diagnostic laboratory ensuring that we have a wide range of diagnostic capabilities.... Read more

  • VCA Chanhassen Animal Hospital Surgery

    Our surgical suite provides for the performance of a wide variety of surgical procedures from routine spay and neuters to extensive orthopedic procedures. Surgeries are performed in our clinic both by our veterinarians and board certified surgeons that come into our clinic for orthopedic/specialty procedures. Pets vital signs are continually monitored by staff members in addition to our life support monitors.... Read more

  • Wellness Exams not only help flag any potential problems with your pet's health, but they are also important in creating an overall medical history for your pet. By meeting regularly with your pet, your veterinarian is able to become better acquainted with his or her personal history, and is able to offer more personalized care.  
    For pets who are 6 years and younger, wellness exams are recommended at least once a year.... Read more

  • VCA Chanhassen Animal Hospital Laboratory

    VCA Chanhassen has a laboratory for on-site diagnostic testing such as: microscopic exams, canine heartworm tests, feline leukemia/FIV tests, blood chemistries, urine evaluations, stool tests and a number of other tests.

    We also use some outside diagnostic laboratories for routine screening and other necessary testing.

    .... Read more

  • We offer an in-clinic veterinary pharmacy for your convenience.   Along with prescription medication to treat your ailing pet, we also carry heartworm, flea, and tick preventatives at a very competitive price.

    If you are looking to order something online: we have an online pharmacy on our website through or VetSource online store.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a variety of internal medicine services.  

    Internal Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, management and nonsurgical treatment of disease affecting the lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, intestinal tract, urinary tract, endocrine system and neuromuscular systems. Management of these conditions is typically done with diet, exercise and medications.... Read more

  • Keeping your pet pain-free is crucial to maintaining his or her quality of life. Our veterinarians use a multi-modal approach to pain management that includes anti-inflammatories, opioid drugs, local anesthetics, general anesthetics, and even epidural anesthesia to effectively combat pain at all levels. Some of our veterinarians even offer alternative options such as acupuncture or chiropractic services for additional pain relief.... Read more

  • In our continuing efforts to offer the highest quality veterinary medicine, we are pleased to provide a wide range of surgical services for our patients. From routine surgical procedures, such as spaying and neutering, to more complex surgeries, we look forward to the opportunity to care for your pet's surgical needs.

    Our staff is highly skilled in performing veterinary surgeries and will make every effort to ensure that your pet receives the very best care.... Read more

  • Our hospital routinely performs spays and neuters, the surgical sterilization of female and male dogs and cats. Spaying involves removal of the uterus and ovaries of female dogs and cats and is called ovariohysterectomy. Neutering involves removal of the testicles of male dogs and cats and is called castration.... Read more

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