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Technician Assistant

Hailing from Tri Cities, Washington, veterinary assistant Angela Pickering has been practicing at Delta Oaks for 8 years and has been with VCA since 2015. While at work, she enjoys the various dental and surgical procedures she participates in, especially if they involve taking x-rays. As one of the resident “cat whisperers” of the clinic, Angela enjoys spending her time with cats of all sizes and temperaments, as well as tackling as many dental procedures as she can, ensuring fresh kisses for pets and owners alike. When she isn’t at home hanging out with her cats “Glen” and “Elvira,” Angela can be found somewhere in the Northwest wilderness, enjoying her time camping, fishing, hiking and skiing.

Veterinarian Support

Our technicians and support team members are all gentle animal lovers who treat your pets with the compassion and respect they deserve. Explore our support team members' biographies and learn about the individuals who make our hospital such a good choice for your pet's care.
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