Make parasite prevention a priority.

Parasites are common and can be found in any environment. These troublesome little creatures survive by living on or inside pets. External parasites, like fleas and ticks, can cause intense itching and discomfort and can even pass on bacterial diseases, like Lyme disease, through their bites.

Luckily, prevention is simple and convenient—one dose of a preventive once a month can keep your pet free of these pesky parasites and protected from the diseases they carry. Preventives are available as either chewable tablets or topical spot-ons, and protect against several types of parasites, making it easy to find a formulation that fits your pet’s lifestyle perfectly.

Parasites are a fact of life for our four-legged family members, so be sure that you’re protecting them from the creepy-crawlies that are hoping to call your pet home.

How-To Videos
Parasite Prevention- Cat Fleas
Parasite Prevention- Dog Ticks
Parasite Prevention- Dog Fleas