Our Team

We invite you to explore the biographies of our doctors and staff and learn more about them. Our doctors and staff have a wide variety of backgrounds and interests.

Want to join our team? Visit our Careers section.

Get to know us. Explore our staff biographies and learn about the people who make our facility an excellent choice for your pet care needs.

paw Team Spotlight
Bruce Walker
USDA Accredited Medical Director

Dr. Bruce A. Walker graduated from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in 1987. Following graduation he did an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Darian Animal Hospital in Connecticut. In 1991, Dr. Walker completed a residency in small animal internal medicine at the New York College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University; he then joined the medicine department at VCA South Shore Animal Hospital. Dr. Walker accepts referrals in all aspects of internal medicine and is available for consultation at our Weymouth office and at our clinic on Adams Street in Quincy.

Anna C.
Hospital Manager
Anna is the hospital manager at VCA South Shore Quincy. She brings many years of experience working in the animal industry from homestead farming with chickens and dairy goats to working with pet daycare and boarding facilities, grooming, pet supplies, and as a receptionist within the veterinary field. Anna joined the VCA in 2018 as a CSR, advanced to the Supervisor position in 2021, and accepted the position of manager in November of 2022.


Our veterinarians are a team of highly trained individuals dedicated to the health and well-being of your pets. Explore our veterinarians' biographies and learn about the individuals who make our hospital an excellent choice for your pet's care.

Veterinarian Support

Our technicians and support team members are all gentle animal lovers who treat your pets with the compassion and respect they deserve. Explore our support team members' biographies and learn about the individuals who make our hospital such a good choice for your pet's care.

Client Services

We are committed to providing the best possible service and our Client Services team loves to exceed pet owner's expectations. Whether it's answering your calls, guiding you and your pet to the exam rooms or checking you in and out quickly, our Client Service representatives and Receptionists are dedicated to providing helpful client and patient support that raises the bar on customer service.
Come Care With Us
Our teams are united in our common purpose of taking care of the future of veterinary medicine.
Join Our Team