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Dani A.
Technician Assistant

I have been a technician assistant for 7 years. I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. My cats' names are: Hamlet, Ophelia, Niko and Cosmo. Hamlet was a stray I found. He is a beautiful, flirty tomcat. Ophelia was an orphaned baby dropped off at the animal shelter. She has spots and is very vocal. Niko was a baby I found, also as a stray. He is my disabled boy and has cerebellar hypoplasia and seizures. Cosmo is my newest addition to my kitty gang. He is a spunky, sweet little guy. As for my two dogs, I have my big boy, Milton, my Labrador/Golden retriever mix; and my other new addition, Baby, is my feisty yet snuggly Havenese mix.

I have always had a connection to animals ever since I was a little girl. Working with animals is a childhood dream come true. One day I hope to work with large exotics in a zoo or at a wildlife rehabilitation facility as a form of volunteer work.

In my down time, I enjoy painting and drawing using a variety of medias. Another hobby of mine is poetry. Usually my poems have an existentialist or philosophical feel. Presently, I am pursuing my other childhood dream which is to become a scientist. I am studying medical microbiology. This choice of study does not mean I will be leaving animal medicine. I will always work with animals, this field of work is not something one can just stray from as it becomes a big part of who you are. All in all, I have a passion for animals and medicine. My goal is to one day help not only animals but eventually their human companions as well.