VCA Mountain View Animal Hospital

Our Story

At VCA Mountain View Animal Hospital we help pets live long, healthy and happy lives. We deliver the best medical care for pets and the best experience for pet owners.

Serving the greater Phoenix area, our veterinarians, technicians and pet-friendly support staff are trained to the highest standards. Their thorough knowledge of the latest procedures and medicines ensures that our patients receive the best in preventive and healing care.

Hometown Care at VCA Mountain View Animal Hospital

VCA Mountain View Animal Hospital is a full service vet clinic conveniently located near beautiful North Mountain Preserve. You can find us between 7th Street and East Mountain View Road in Phoenix and adjacent to The Post Office, Scramble, Il Posto and Mascadores. We provide veterinary services to the surrounding areas including Desert Hills, Lookout Mountain, Moon Valley, North Mountain Village, Glendale, Alhambra and the greater Phoenix area. We are able to assist you in Spanish.

Tenemos un miembro del personal que puede ayudarle en español.

Our veterinary hospital provides various surgical and medical services. We offer physical exams, laboratory services, preventive wellness and illness care, early disease detection and vaccines, parasite control, ultrasound, spay & neuters, dentistry, soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, micro-chipping, as well as Home Delivery services and CareClub. CareClub is our comprehensive wellness plans for pets of all ages with unlimited exams and easy affordable monthly payments. We also carry a variety of pet foods such as Hill's and Royal Canin Prescription Diets.

Nuestro hospital veterinario ofrece diversos servicios médicos y quirúrgicos. Ofrecemos exámenes físicos, servicios de laboratorio, bienestar preventivo y atención de enfermedades, detección temprana de enfermedades y vacunas, control de parásitos, ultrasonido, esterilización y castración, odontología, cirugía ortopédica y de tejidos blandos, microchip, así como servicios de entrega a domicilio y CareClub. CareClub es nuestro plan completo de bienestar para mascotas de todas las edades con exámenes ilimitados y pagos mensuales fáciles y asequibles. También ofrecemos una variedad de alimentos para mascotas como Hill's y Royal Canin Prescription Diets.

VCA Mountain View Animal Hospital works closely with the Arizona Humane Society, Lost our Homes Pet Rescue, SPCA, and many other local rescue groups.

With over 60 years of combined experience, Dr. Ansems, Dr. Saint-Erne, and Dr. Anna provide a vast amount of expertise, knowledge and experience to determine the best route for you and your family pet.

VCA Mountain View is proud to be an AAHA-accredited animal hospital. Being an AAHA-accredited hospital means that we are evaluated on approximately 900 standards of veterinary excellence every three years. These standards address a variety of issues related to both patient care and the facility, including exam facilities, dental care, diagnostic imaging, and cleanliness.

Everyone on our staff believes that the better we get to know you and your pets, the better we can provide the best possible health care for them. In fact, when you come in, you'll see exactly why our veterinarians are praised for their kind and thorough care.

Con más de 60 años de experiencia combinada, la Dra. Ansems, el Dr. Saint-Erne y el Dr. Anna brindan una gran cantidad de experiencia, conocimiento y experiencia para determinar la mejor ruta para usted y su mascota familiar.

VCA Mountain View se enorgullece de ser un hospital de animales acreditado por la AAHA. Ser un hospital acreditado por la AAHA significa que se nos evalúa en aproximadamente 900 estándares de excelencia veterinaria cada tres años. Estos estándares abordan una variedad de cuestiones relacionadas tanto con la atención del paciente como con las instalaciones, incluidas las instalaciones para exámenes, la atención dental, las imágenes de diagnóstico y la limpieza.

Todos los miembros de nuestro personal creen que cuanto mejor lo conozcamos a usted y a sus mascotas, mejor podremos brindarles la mejor atención médica posible. De hecho, cuando entre, verá exactamente por qué nuestros veterinarios son elogiados por su amable y minucioso cuidado. 

Our House Cat Family

Accreditations & Affiliations
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Affiliations Partner AAHA
American Animal Hospital Association

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) sets the standard for quality veterinary care for companion animals. As an accredited hospital, we voluntarily uphold the Association's high standards in 18 different areas and are routinely evaluated on over 900 different standards of veterinary care. Not all animal hospitals are accredited, and we are proud to be amongst only 12-15% of veterinary hospitals that hold this honor.

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