Cats tend to hide physical pain, including joint pain caused by osteoarthritis,
a serious health condition.
Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that occurs when the cushioning in the joints (cartilage) is worn away, leaving the bones to rub against each other.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic problem that worsen over time, limiting mobility even more as it progresses.
Solensia™ (frunevetmab) is a monthly injectable treatment administered by your veterinarian that helps control pain from feline osteoarthritis (OA), so your cat can experience improved mobility, comfort and quality of life. Each dose is easily administered subcutaneously (under the skin) and is based on your cat’s weight. Solensia targets nerve growth factor, a protein which is a key mediator of OA pain. Solensia is now available at VCA Animal Hospitals. Discuss treatment options with your veterinarian to determine if Solensia is right for your cat.
Osteoarthritis pain is manageable. With the return of comfort, cats can regain mobility and enjoy their regular activities again, improving their overall quality of life.
Schedule an appointment for an evaluation today.