puppy twitching

Maybe you’ve noticed your puppy’s feet twitching when they’re asleep. Similar to how some people talk during their sleep, you puppy might even make little yipping noises. Don’t worry though—they’re just dreaming!

Like us, dogs have a rapid eye movement (REM) phase, though they tend to enter this phase much more quickly than us (about 20 minutes into their sleep). If your pup is twitching and making little noises, it’s best to just leave them be! You don’t want to interrupt their nice beauty sleep. 

Occasionally, people see this and are concerned that their puppy is having seizures. If you interrupt the behavior and it stops, it’s almost always a simple dream. Dogs having seizures don’t usually respond to noise or touch. If you’re concerned, the best thing you can do is get a video of the behavior so you can show your veterinarian.

If your puppy is kicking violently, barking, growling, chewing or biting in their sleep, make sure you speak with your veterinarian. Again, a recorded video of the behavior would be tremendously helpful in determining if there’s cause for concern.

Learn even more about what that puppy of yours is dreaming about.