True or False? Senior pets can’t learn commands.

senior pets can learn commands

Answer: False

While many still believe the old proverb, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” it’s actually a myth! Older pets, just like young ones, are really good learners. Many pets are curious—some might say nosy—and want to know what’s going on, and are excited to have new experiences. Pets are constantly taking in their environment and are responding to what they sense. Yes, you can even train your stubborn older cat tricks too! In fact, training your senior pet helps keep them mentally stimulated.

Whether you’re training a cat or dog, be consistent and use motivation (treats and praise) for the best results. When training your pet, use their natural curiosity to your advantage to keep them interested. You can get—and keep—your pet’s attention during training sessions using their curiosity. Keep training sessions short and be sure to end them on a positive note. You’ll have your pet sitting and giving you high fives in no time!

Learn more about wellness testing senior pets. >>