14 signs your cat’s arthritis is acting up

cat arthritis

Arthritic cats aren’t always good at telling us when something is wrong, potentially showing only subtle signs even though their joints may be extra achy from causes such as cold weather.


This is partly thanks to the slow progression of arthritis, which gives many cats time to learn to compensate for the pain it causes. Cats are also masters of disguise and will instinctually hide the fact that something is wrong.

Adding to that, some cats are stoic or eager-to-please and put on a happy face no matter what, and you can suddenly see why the signs of arthritis can be so difficult to catch.

Know when your cat may need a little extra support by watching for the following signs that their joints are hurting:

  • Less enthusiasm for usual activities or playtime
  • Spending less time with family
  • Grumpy with or shunning children or cats, who may play rough
  • Slow to rise or lie down
  • Avoiding going up and down stairs
  • Hesitating to jump up on furniture
  • Unwilling to lie on hard surfaces
  • Unable to get comfortable when lying down; always shifting
  • Hiding more than usual
  • Limping or favoring a leg
  • Walking stiffly or in a hunched posture
  • Yowling or hissing when picked up
  • Poor coat condition because grooming has become difficult
  • Urinating and defecating outside the litter box (especially if the litter box is hard to get into or must be reached by a set of stairs)

If your cat is exhibiting any of these signs, schedule an appointment to have your veterinarian examine them. If arthritis is found, you and your veterinarian can create a plan to help your cat get back to their usual self.

Joint supplements are a great option to potentially improve your cat’s comfort by protecting joint structures and reducing inflammation. 

Browse our large selection of veterinarian-approved joint supplements to support your cat’s joint health. >>