Halloween safety tips for cats

halloween cat safety tips

Halloween is a magical time of year for children. Superheroes, princesses, ghosts, witches, and zombies run door to door collecting treats! But Halloween can be scary and potentially dangerous for cats. Here are some tips to help keep your cat safe and healthy this spooky season:

Keep candy out of reach 
Candy is not for cats. Chocolate can be toxic depending on the quantity and type eaten, candy wrappers can cause intestinal upset and gastrointestinal blockage, and mints and gum may be artificially sweetened with xylitol which may be toxic for cats. Suspect an accidental ingestion? Contact your veterinarian right away.

Decorate the pet-safe way
While non-toxic, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds can upset a cat’s stomach, especially when consumed in large quantities. Same goes for colored corn cobs that can block the digestive tract. Decorations like cobwebs, toys or other spooky accessories may be tempting for cats to chew on and could be accidentally ingested. With wagging tails and romping cats, candle-lit Jack-o’-Lanterns are a burn and fire hazard. As an extra safety precaution, use battery-powered candles to get the same scary effect! Keep all decorations out of reach and away from curious noses.

Keep cats in a secured area
Scary costumes, a non-stop parade of strangers, squealing children and shouts of “trick or treat!” can be alarming to even the calmest of cats. Keep your cat in a room away from the ringing doorbell. To help block out the noise, turn on the television, play calming music or turn on a fan. 

Avoid costumes, even if your cat loves to play dress up
While cat costumes are very cute, they may be uncomfortable or downright scary. Some can obstruct senses, be a constant tripping hazard or even be chewed accidentally. So skip the possible scare and keep your companion comfy by opting for a festive collar, harness or bandana. If your cat suffers from anxiety, talk to your veterinarian about natural remedies or supplements, like


Looking for ways to play with your pet this Halloween? Here are five fun ideas for a safe celebration! >>