Start preparing your cat for thunderstorms and fireworks now

    cat fireworks safety

Crash! Bang! Boom! Summer can be a challenging time for cats who are afraid of fireworks and thunderstorms. The good news is there are steps you can take in advance of the rumbly season to help your cat stay content and chill all summer long!



Preparation is key!
  • Create a sanctuary. Create a cozy haven where your cat can retreat and feel safe and secure from the commotion outdoors. Pick an area where your cat likes to hang out and that will also block out the sights and sounds of thunderstorms or fireworks. Try out different areas, like a walk-in closet or a room with blackout curtains. Include a comfy bed and favorite toys, and make it extra awesome with playtime or treats.
  • Explore calming supplements and aids. Natural supplements or pheromone-based solutions designed to lessen anxiety can work wonders for cats.
  • Visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. If your cat is severely distressed by the noise of fireworks or thunder, seek guidance from your veterinarian. They can offer tailored strategies and, if needed, prescribe anti-anxiety medications. If you believe your cat may have a noise phobia (often hiding away because they’re frightened), you should talk to your veterinarian about how to create a safe space and ways to help minimize the fear of loud sounds.

Day-of support

  • Start early in the day. Start any calming supplements or anti-anxiety medications before the crashes and bangs begin. Starting early may help relax your cat and reduce their reactivity. 
  • Guide your cat to their sanctuary. With repetition, your cat will learn to seek out their happy place on their own.
  • Mask the sounds from outside. Fill their space with calming music, turn on a fan and close all the windows and doors in the house to help block the booms. A quiet, well insulated (sound proof) room or area, combined white noise in the background, is very helpful for many pets.
  • Provide plenty of distraction. Tempt your cat with a new toy or treat-stuffed puzzles to divert their attention.

Keep calm and carry on. While it’s only natural to want to soothe your cat when they’re distressed, excessive comfort may reward your cat’s behavior or (even worse!) validate their fears. Instead, offer gentle reassurance and continue with your routine as usual.

Browse our veterinarian-approved selection of calming supplements for cats here. >>

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