Please call us at (817) 294 0390 if you have an emergency, and we will do our best to help you through this frightening and stressful time. Emergencies can be a terrible experience for pets and pet owners, so we promise to communicate with you and make the process less stressful.
We also offer emergency surgery as well as critical care. Please attempt to call ahead in case of an emergency to alert us to the situation and allow us to prepare.
Emergency Care After Hours
Emergencies can be a terrible experience for pets and pet owners. Below you will find our after-hours emergency recommendation.
Fort Worth Animal Emergency Hospital
Phone: 817-263-2900
Address: 4631 Citylake Blvd. West Fort Worth, TX 76132
Any of the following situations can be considered an emergency:
When en route to our hospital, it is very helpful to contact us while in transit with your estimated time of arrival (ETA). By calling ahead, the hospital’s emergency team may also be able to give helpful advice for your pet, including techniques for controlling bleeding, covering and protecting wounds, slowly cooling a heatstroke victim and safely transporting an injured animal.
*If your pet has ingested a possible or known toxin, please bring the packaging of the toxic substance with you.