American Shorthair History
  • Accompanied Europeans sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World in the early 1600s to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.
  • Some records indicated that this breed came over on the Mayflower with Pilgrims.
  • During the California Gold Rush, pioneers brought this breed with them to control the rodent population in their new homesteads.
  • According to CFA records, a brown tabby American Shorthair was offered for sale for $2,500 at the Second Annual Cat Show at Madison Square Garden in 1896.
  • Selected as among the first five registered breeds by the CFA in 1906.
  • Originally called the Domestic Shorthair, but was renamed to American Shorthair in 1966.
American Shorthair Behavior Concerns
  • Extremely smart and even tempered.
  • Not very chatty, preferring to chirp or make sweet squeak sounds.
  • Very athletic.
  • Once touted as the all-American mouser, this breed prefers now to follow its favorite people from room to room.
  • Favors walking on its own over being picked up and cradled.
  • Behaves gently around children.
  • Lovable but not clingy.
Look of American Shorthairs
  • Strong, hardy breed of medium to large build.
  • Dense coat is designed to weather the cold and shield against superficial skin injuries.
  • Head features full cheeks, large, wide-set eyes, powerful jaws, round-tipped ears and square muzzle.
  • Eyes are golden or green.
  • Comes in more than 80 different colors and patterns, ranging from brown-patched to silver tabby.
  • Sports a sight pouch and loose skin, designed for protection when hunting.
Grooming American Shorthair Cats
  • Sports an easy-to-care-for short but thick coat that requires weekly combing and brushing.
  • Coat has a textured feel to it.
Suggested Nutritional Needs for American Shorthair
  • Due to their moderate activity level, measure food portions to reduce the risk of this cat from becoming overweight.
Fun Facts of American Shorthairs
  • Its strong and powerful jaws make it one of the most feared felines among mice and other rodents.
  • Famous American Shorthair named Pepper once belonged to John Lennon of the Beatles.

American Shorthair

American Shorthair cat breed picture
15 - 20 years
8 - 12 pounds
American Shorthair Traits
  • Lap Cat
    4 out of 5
  • Intelligence
    4 out of 5
  • Ease Of Training
    3 out of 5
  • Grooming Requirements
    3 out of 5
  • Shedding
    3 out of 5
  • Good With Children
    4 out of 5
  • Good With Dogs
    4 out of 5
  • Chattiness
    1 out of 5
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