Preventive Care

Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are capable of transmitting infection and disease to pets through a bite. Many pets also suffer from severe allergic reaction to the bites of fleas and ticks. It is imperative that owners prevent these parasites by using one of the many commercially available products that protect pets from fleas and ticks. Our staff and veterinarians will help you choose the correct product based on your pets risk factors and health status.

Our hospital carries a wide variety of flea and tick control products. Our doctors and staff will help you determine which product(s) best suit your pet's needs.

We carry topical flea/tick prevention for cats and dogs and topical tick repellent for dogs, as well as oral flea prevention for dogs. Many of our flea and tick prevention products provide additional benefits, as well, including internal parasite control and even heartworm preventative.

How Can You Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks?

Protecting your pets from fleas and ticks has several proven strategies. Newman Vets offers a variety of the best flea and tick products. Our number one recommended products are Frontline Tritak and Frontline Plus, mostly because of their amazing guarantees. Merial offers a satisfaction guarantee when their products are purchased through a veterinarian. To summarize the guarantee, if Frontline Plus or Tritak does not clear up your flea infestation, Merial will send Terminix to your house to eliminate the problem for free! Some restrictions apply, for details; check out Merial’s official policy.

It is normal to keep seeing fleas for a few weeks after treatment, especially if your house or pet is badly infested. Flea prevention products typically do not kill fleas or ticks instantly on your pet or in your household. The fleas need to bite the treated pet before they die.

Helpful Hints to Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks

Administer a reputable flea and tick preventative to all of the pets in your household every 30 days
Quarantine infested pets – keep them away from non-infested pets until the problem is solved
Wash your pet’s bedding and favorite rugs regularly in hot, soapy water
Mow your lawn frequently
Vacuum regularly, especially anywhere dust collects, then dispose of the vacuum bag immediately
Treat your yard with flea and tick pest control
If possible, keep your pets out of long grass and bushes

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