Sphynx History
  • This rare breed is easily identified for its seemingly lack of hair.
  • Regarded as a natural mutation, the origins of the Sphynx date back to 1966 when a domestic cat gave birth to a hairless kitten in Toronto, Canada.
  • The current American and European versions of this breed are descendants of two lines of natural mutations found in Toronto and Minnesota.
  • The Sphynx was accepted into the miscellaneous class by the CFA in 1998 and earned championship status in 2002.
  • Acceptable standards for the Sphynx differ among the major cat breed registries.
Sphynx Behavior Concerns
  • Extremely friendly, intelligent and outgoing.
  • Seeks the spotlight and revels in being playfully mischievous. Can be purposely clumsy to get your attention.
  • Has a high-energy level and very curious.
  • When sleepy, a Sphynx heads for a warm place, usually under the covers.
  • Keep this breed indoors or supervise when outside for safety reasons.
Look of Sphynxs
  • Looks like a feline alien with its nearly hairless body, pixie face, oversized, batty ears, potbelly and wrinkled skin.
  • What this breed lacks in hair, it makes up with a strong, medium-sized frame, well-developed muscle, beckoning big eyes, and a friendly expression.
  • Not truly hairless, this breed's skin feels like warm Chamois leather and is lightly dusted with soft, fine down nearly impossible to see.
  • Whiskers and eyebrows may be visible or completely absent in this breed.
  • Its skin comes in different colors with common cat marking patterns, including solid, point, van, tabby and tortoiseshell.
Grooming Sphynx Cats
  • Daily sponging is recommended because the skin produces natural oils that can leave oily spots where they lie - like your prized sofa.
  • Ears need to be cleaned weekly.
  • At cat shows, it is common to see Sphynx up for contention being toted around inside polar-fleece bags by their breeders to keep them warm.
  • Limit this breed's exposure to the sun because its skin can become sunburned.
Suggested Nutritional Needs for Sphynx
  • This breed has a high metabolism and needs to eat more than most "hairy" cat breeds to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Serve quality commercial diet that contains a balance of protein and fats.
Fun Facts of Sphynxs
  • Popular nicknamed associated with this breed is "Love Mooch." Also known as Canadian Hairless.
  • In the popular Austin Powers movies, Mr. Bigglesworth was played by two Sphynx cats, Ted Nude-gent and Mel Gibskin. Mr. Bigglesworth was Dr. Evil's adored cat.
  • Common misconception is that this breed is hypoallergenic due to its lack of coat.


Sphynx cat breed picture
15 - 20 years
8 - 10 pounds
Sphynx Traits
  • Lap Cat
    3 out of 5
  • Intelligence
    4 out of 5
  • Ease Of Training
    4 out of 5
  • Grooming Requirements
    2 out of 5
  • Shedding
    1 out of 5
  • Good With Children
    4 out of 5
  • Good With Dogs
    out of 5
  • Chattiness
    2 out of 5
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