Pet Boarding

Doggy Day Care

Our Doggy Day Care keeps your dog well cared for and supervised throughout the day, while engaging them in playful and meaningful activity. We schedule activities that keep most dogs well socialized and exercised.

Our Doggy Day Care is carefully supervised. Dog owners must fill out a questionnaire and show proof of a medical history to ensure that all participating dogs are free of contagious disease, free of heartworm disease, current on heartworm preventative and fully vaccinated.

Some possible vaccine requirements include: Rabies, Parvo, DHLP, Bordetella (Kennel Cough), canine influenza and Lyme disease. Please ask our staff if you have questions about the medical requirements.

Our facilities are sterilized frequently and always look and smell clean. We employ a well-trained staff that has experience with animals.

The relationship with VCA veterinarians assures your pet will be well cared for in the event there is an emergency. We take care to group dogs according to size and temperament for the most fulfilling experience for your dog.

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