Pet Grooming

Our hospital offers bathing services for your pet. Whether it is a bath needed in between normal groomings or for the outdoor play odor that won't go away, please contact us about our bathing services. Recommended bathing frequency varies. Your pet's breed and lifestyle will dictate how often they require bathing and what sort of shampoos work best. Avoid bathing too frequently as it may strip vital oils and protection from your pet's coat and skin and cause flakiness and itching.

Our special, cleansing baths remove dirt, debris and that doggie (or kitty) pet odor- your pet will feel fresh and revitalized. If scratching is a problem, our medicated baths contain soothing agents that stop the itching. Services also include nail trim. We also offer dematting services. Ask us about what service is most appropriate for your pet.

Learn more about bathing your pet by clicking here for a video.