
Laser Surgery

Laser therapy is performed for certain procedures (such as Ophthalmologic procedures) rather than conventional surgery. Laser therapy is a treatment that uses a strong beam of light to cut, burn, or destroy tissue. The term LASER stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." Information. The laser light beam comes from safe sources so that it poses no health risks to the patient or medical team. Laser surgery uses an intensely hot, precisely focused beam of light to remove or vaporize tissue and control bleeding in a wide variety of non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures. Laser surgery is used to:

  • Cut or destroy tissue that is abnormal or diseased without harming healthy, normal tissue
  • Shrink or destroy tumors and lesions
  • Cauterize (seal) blood vessels to prevent excessive bleeding

Often referred to as "bloodless surgery," laser procedures usually involve less bleeding than conventional surgery. The heat generated by the laser keeps the surgical site free of germs and reduces the risk of infection. Because a smaller incision is required, laser procedures often take less time than traditional surgery. Sealing off blood vessels and nerves reduces bleeding, swelling, scarring, pain, and the length of the recovery period.