Advanced Care


Our hospital now offers abdominal ultrasound (sonogram) examinations as a non-invasive diagnostic procedure to evaluate your pet’s internal organs. Ultrasound is non-invasive and well tolerated by most pets. Dr. Dickson and Katy, our lead technician, have both completed training in obtaining quality abdominal ultrasound images.

When your pet arrives for an ultrasound, each case begins with a thorough history and complete physical exam. Initial ultrasound findings will be discussed by a veterinarian, then sent to a radiologist for interpretation and treatment recommendations.

Our services include:

  • Exam
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Sedation, as needed, for a comfortable ultrasound experience for your pet
  • Fine needle aspirate of pertinent structures, if indicated
  • Radiologist Interpretation through ANTECH Imaging Services
  • Follow-up discussion of results with referring doctor
  • After follow-up discussion, your case will be managed by your regular veterinarian