puppy losing hair

Your puppy is too young to be developing bald spots! Well, dogs don’t usually get age-related bald spots, so if you’re noticing spots of hair loss, it’s time to hunt for the underlying cause. For some puppies, this will end up being purely cosmetic, but for many, there is an underlying medical or behavioral cause that needs treatment.

Hair loss occurring in specific spots is called focal hair loss—multifocal if there is more than one spot. Common causes of focal hair loss in puppies include:

  • Fleas, mites and other parasites
  • Allergies (environmental and/or food)
  • Ringworm (not actually a worm, but a fungal infection on the skin that can pass between pets and humans)
  • Demodex mites
  • Bacterial and/or yeast infection
  • Obsessive overgrooming due to anxiety

Some breeds occasionally lose fur on specific parts of their body, such as pinnal (ear) alopecia on the ears of dachshunds or Chihuahuas. Treatment of these conditions is for cosmetic reasons only.

Regardless of the pattern of hair loss, it’s a good idea to get it checked out by your veterinarian. Your VCA care team will help you find the underlying cause and manage your pup’s symptoms. 

Is your dog losing patches of hair during certain times of the year? Read more about seasonal flank alopecia.