

Our animal hospital offers allergy evaluation and management as part of our extensive specialty veterinary dermatology services. Allergies can cause severely itchy skin in pets. There are four main allergies that affect dogs and cats, including flea allergy, airborne allergy (called atopy), food allergy and contact allergy.

Using basic medical diagnostics, physical examination and a thorough medical and environmental history, our specialists determine the allergy that is most likely affecting your pet. Advanced allergy diagnostics such as intradermal skin testing may be required to confirm a diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis, our veterinary dermatology specialists will make specific recommendations for treating your pet which may include avoidance of certain foods, environments, or certain surfaces as well as specific flea control measures. They may recommend hyopsensitization (allergy) shots in the case of atopy to help improve your pet's signs. Our veterinary dermatology specialists will create a follow up plan for long term allergy control.

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