Javanese History
  • This breed was created to be a longhaired version of the popular Siamese. However, it is still ranked among the rarest of cat breeds.
  • The CFA granted championship status to the Javanese in 1986.
Javanese Behavior Concerns
  • Expect some feline sass from your Javanese who loves to talk back when spoken to. This is definitely a chatty cat.
  • This breed is big on household routines, which explains why you may be "scolded" if you serve a late dinner. This cat does not enjoy being left home alone.
  • The Javanese can be a bit of true "cat" burglar because of its tendency to open cabinets and drawers with its talented paws and look for treasures to take.
  • Although a bit toned down from the Siamese, the Javanese is less likely to get into trouble out of curious-fueled boredom in your home if you add a second cat or a dog to keep him company.
  • Smart and eager to learn tricks, the Javanese can draw admiration for its athleticism, especially leaping and fetching abilities.
  • The higher the better seems to be the Javanese motto as this breed enjoys perching on tall shelves and riding on people's shoulders.
Look of Javaneses
  • Breeders jokingly talk of the Javanese recipe: take one Balinese, dip it in colors of the rainbow and you will create a Javanese.
  • The body is finely boned, sleek, and muscular. The tail is long, thin and sports an eye-catching plume at the end. The head is wedge-shaped with large ears and deep blue eyes.
  • This breed comes in many long, silky colors with lynx points being the most popular pattern.
  • However, any Javanese sporting the colors seal, blue, chocolate or lilac point is not eligible for CFA championship competition.
Grooming Javanese Cats
  • Its short, low-fuss coat is mat-free and ranks among the lowest of shedding among the feline breeds, including the Siamese.
Suggested Nutritional Needs for Javanese

Please consult with your veterinarian about the type of diet and amount to feed your cat during their different life stages. Different breeds may have a greater risk of obesity based upon their diet, metabolism, activity and age. Thus, your veterinarian is your best source for information on this topic.

Fun Facts of Javaneses
  • Goes by the nickname, "The Lazy Man's Longhair."
  • These very vocal cats are known for "chattiness" for no apparent reason.


Javanese cat breed picture
12 - 15 years
8 - 15 pounds
Javanese Traits
  • Lap Cat
    3 out of 5
  • Intelligence
    4 out of 5
  • Ease Of Training
    4 out of 5
  • Grooming Requirements
    1 out of 5
  • Shedding
    1 out of 5
  • Good With Children
    3 out of 5
  • Good With Dogs
    3 out of 5
  • Chattiness
    5 out of 5
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