Advanced Care

Cold Laser Therapy

"Laser therapy" sounds a little like something from your favorite sci-fi movie. However, tested by doctors for many decades, it became a common therapy in both human and animal medicine about 10 years ago. You may hear laser therapy termed “cold laser” therapy or “low level laser” therapy (LLLT). Mostly commonly used for pain or inflammatory related issues, laser therapy can help with a wide variety of ailments. 

If your pet suffers from pain or inflammation our practice may include laser therapy as part of their treatment. 

There are two types of laser therapy, continuous and pulsed. Continuous laser therapy can act quickly on inflammation. It stimulates blood flow, lymphatic circulation and induces reabsorbsion of fluid buildup. As a secondary effect, relief of inflammation can also decrease associated pain. However, we find pulsed laser therapy more effective for general pain relief. Pulsed lasers produce an analgesic effect and interfere with the transmission of pain to the receptors in the brain. 

Our practice first performs a full physical exam possibly along with diagnostic procedures. During the treatment, we usually have your pet lie down comfortably but we also allow family members in the room and to even hold them during the treatment. We apply the laser wand directly to the area of the body receiving treatment. The procedure can take up to 20 minutes. We will not need to shave or clip your pet’s fur. 

Treatment may occur several times a day or week. We base the number and intensity of procedures on the individual condition as well as your pet’s physiological response to the treatment. Our practice develops a treatment plan specific to your pet’s needs. There are no unwanted side effects of laser therapy and it will not burn your pet’s skin. After treatment you may see your pet become a little more active, have more mobility or we may be able to reduce their medication based on favorable results. 

Laser therapy has the ability to a great number of common conditions including:

  • Arthritis 
  • Back pain 
  • Wound healing 
  • Post surgical healing 
  • Ear problems 
  • Anal gland inflammation 
  • Gingivitis 
  • Hot spots 
  • Sinus issues 
  • Cysts 
  • Trauma 
  • Fractures 
  • Sprains and strains