How to choose from these 7 common types of leashes and collars

7 common types of leashes and collars

Your pet’s collar isn’t just their biggest fashion statement, it’s also an important safety and training tool. Find out the difference between these common collars to choose the best fit for your furry friend.


  • Flat collar. This standard collar is worn by most dogs, consisting of a loop of nylon, leather or other material closed by a clasp or buckle. A flat collar is a good choice for most medium- and large-breed dogs who don’t have any special training or health needs.
  • Breakaway collar. Designed for cats, this collar has a clasp that pops open when enough force is applied. This necessary safety feature protects cats from getting trapped or possibly even strangulated when they explore tight spaces and high perches.
  • Martingale collar. Not to be confused with choke collars, martingale collars constrict, but only by a pre-set amount. For dogs whose necks are wider than their heads, such as greyhounds and whippets, this little bit of tightening is needed to prevent the collar from falling right off.
  • Harness. A harness attaches around the chest rather than the neck, making it ideal for dogs who may be harmed by neck pressure, such as small breed dogs and dogs with short snouts. A harness with handles is also helpful to give a boost to dogs who struggle getting up. Additionally, cats who go on walks should wear a harness to prevent escape since most cats can easily wriggle out of neck collars.
  • Halter. A halter loops behind the ears and around the muzzle, much in the same way a horse halter does. A halter helps prevent pulling since your dog can’t throw their whole weight against it, and should only be worn during walks.


What about the leash?
Your leash options are limited to two main possibilities: a standard leash or a retractable leash. 

A standard leash is the better option for all pets. Although the 10 to 20 feet that a retractable leash provides does give your pet more space to have fun, it also gives them more space to get in trouble too. They can run into traffic, tangle with another animal, eat things far out of your view and more.

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