Diagnostic Imaging

Computed Tomography (CT scanning)

Computed Tomography (CT) is a diagnostic tool that uses x-rays to obtain cross-sectional images of the body. CT is commonly used to image:

  • Lungs and other thoracic (chest) structures
  • Orthopedic conditions such as elbow dysplasia, complex fractures, tumors or infections, etc.
  • Skull, nasal cavity and sinuses, middle or inner ear disease.
  • Can be used to diagnose vascular liver shunts and other abdominal diseases such as adrenal tumors or liver tumors, assisting a surgeon to plan a difficult surgery to remove or treat these abnormalities.

CT can also be used to guide a biopsy of an abnormality within the body less invasively than with surgery. Veterinary patients need to be anesthetized for CT scans, so that they will hold still long enough for the examination. Every patient that presents for a CT scan will receive a thorough physical exam, and will have a review of recent bloodwork and other testing done prior to anesthesia to ensure they are good candidates for anesthesia. Also, every patient anesthetized at our hospital is closely monitored while under anesthesia by a veterinarian and a certified veterinary technician.

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