Radiation Oncology

VCA Advanced Veterinary Care Center is a proud member of the VCA Pet Cancer Care Alliance, and by housing the best and latest in Radiation Oncology with the use of our Varian Halcyon linear accelerator we boast the title of being a Pet Cancer Care Center. This machine allows for faster, stronger radiation therapy and our specialists provide complete care with the collaboration of both our Radiation Oncologist and our Medical Oncologist as well as our Internal Medicine, Neurology, and Surgery specialists. For more information regarding the Varian Halcyon: Halcyon Flyer, and for more information about the Pet Cancer Care Alliance: www.vcapetcancercare.com.


Our Radiation Oncology Services
  • Our VCA Pet CancerCare Center now offers Halcyon, the newest development in 3D radiation therapy technology—providing your cancer patients with the enhanced effectiveness of higher dose delivery with fewer side effects ...
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