Preventive Care

Wellness Exams

We provide the following health services for your dog and cat:

  • Vaccinations
  • Health exams for puppies, kittens and newly adopted pets
  • Intestinal Parasite Tests
  • Heartworm/Tick Disease Tests (includes screening for Lyme Disease)
  • Feline Leukemia/Aids Tests
  • Behavorial counseling
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Senior pet care counseling
  • Pre-surgical exams
  • Vaccination certificates for boarding or grooming facilities
  • Health certificates for national and international travel
  • Microchipping
  • Penn Hip and OFA certification

We encourage regular, preventive care visits every 6-12 months to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life with you! These visits include a head to tail physical examination by our veterinarians. Based on your pet's age and lifestyle, we will customize a preventive care plan which could include vaccines, bloodwork, parasite preventatives, and nutritional counseling.

Our qualified veterinary care team will ensure you have the knowledge you need to make appropriate decisions about your pet's health.