Primary Care

Euthanasia Services

End of life decisions for our pets are never easy. Our staff understands the pain that comes with this choice, and we are here to help you cope in this difficult time. 

Sometimes, a healthy recovery and comfortable existence for sick, injured, or elderly pets is not possible. As caretakers for our pets, it is our responsibility to consider options for relieving our pet’s suffering. 

In some circumstances, palliative care may be an option. A sick or elderly pet will often need extensive medical care in one or more of the following areas: nutrition, pain relief, hydration, temperature regulation, skin care, digestive support, or mobility.

In cases where medication intervention no longer improves health or provides comfort, euthanasia can be the best option for providing relief to a pet who is suffering.

The decision to euthanize a beloved pet is among the most difficult choices a pet owner ever has to make. Your veterinarian will meet with you to discuss the process and determine whether or not euthanasia is appropriate and if, or when, it should occur.

What is the process like?

Euthanasia is performed in a quiet and comfortable environment by an experienced veterinarian. He or she will inject an anesthetic overdose into a vein through an IV catheter. Within a few moments, the patient will pass away. Because an anesthetic is used, pets do not experience any discomfort. The veterinarian will insure that the heart, pulses and breathing have stopped.

Pet owners have the option to remain in the room during the procedure if they choose. 

What can I do to prepare?

Prior to euthanasia, pet owners should decide how the pet's body will be cared for. This reduces the emotional stress at the time of the procedure.

Many owners choose to spend their pet’s final days taking advantage of their remaining time together by giving their pet favorite treats or extra attention. Your veterinarian and the hospital staff can also provide suggestions for making your pet’s final days a reflection of the care and love that he or she experienced throughout his or her life. 

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