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Ted Sherman
Associate Veterinarian DVM

Dr. Sherman has been a veterinarian since 1982. He finds it gratifying to feel like he’s helped someone’s pet through either treatment of an illness, preventative care, or educating their owner. He enjoys being involved in the relationship between owner and pet. He likes teaching, and feeling like what he’s taught to pet owners enhances the life of their pets, and thereby their own. Pet owners are the most kind, caring, and fun people in the world, and he feels like he’s been lucky enough to have worked with them for 40 years.

Dr. Sherman received his DVM from Louisiana State University, after doing his undergraduate work at the University of Arkansas (making him a Tiger and a Razorback). He served 6 years in the United States Navy as a destroyer sailor, traveling to European, Mediterranean, Caribbean ports, and the Arctic. As a child, Dr. Sherman was a coastguard brat (military family) moving every 3 or 4 years to coastal locations within the United States. He always had pets including cats, dogs, white rats, white mice, turtles, snakes, lizards, chickens, and ducks (it drove his mother nuts; she was not a fan of the rats, mice, snakes, and lizards). He finished high school in Northwest Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains (yes that is where hillbillies are from) in a rural community where most of his friends were from farm families. His wife, Diane, is an artist specializing in shell art (primarily Sailor's Valentines). They have four children and four grandchildren, and two Boston Terriers.

In his spare time, Dr. Sherman enjoys all things water related (boating, snorkeling, scuba diving, and swimming). He has participated in the Buzzard’s Bay swim from New Bedford to Fairhaven twice. He also enjoys spending time with his friends from 12 years of Boy Scout leadership, digital photography, and Photoshopping.


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