6 tips to help soothe your pet’s tummy troubles

pet tummy troubles

Pets can get the occasional stomach ache! Here are six tips that can help calm your pet’s tummy when they’ve eaten something they shouldn’t have or the new treats you bought didn’t agree with them. Unless you think their food is the culprit, avoid making a change to their diet. Instead, try the following: 



  1. Rest their stomach. A short fast of no food for 12 to 24 hours can allow your pet’s gastrointestinal system some time to process and recover. Water should only be limited for a short time to prevent dehydration. Check with your veterinarian before fasting a young puppy, kitten or senior pet.
  2. Serve smaller meals. Try splitting your pet’s daily calorie intake over the course of five to six smaller meals, rather than one or two larger portions. You can even use a timed feeder to portion out meals while you’re at work. Too much food too fast can cause vomiting.
  3. Serve veterinarian-recommended diets. You should use a specially formulated commercial diet for your cat or dog to limit stomach upset, and there are a number of great choices available that your veterinarian can recommend. While making at-home bland diets has been recommended for years, these diets are not balanced and do not contain healthy probiotics and fiber to help the intestines heal.
  4. Soothing foods. Some foods that might soothe your pet’s tummy include: one tablespoon of unsweetened plain yogurt twice a day; small portions of white rice (on its own or mixed into their regular diet); or bone broth added to their kibble. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian beforehand!
  5. Probiotics. Probiotics can help restore your pet’s intestinal flora, keeping their gut healthy. Your veterinarian can recommend a good probiotic supplement for your pet or may recommend a food with a probiotic component.
  6. Water. Hydration is key! Always keep plenty of water available, so your pet can stay hydrated. You can also switch to a highly digestible wet food or soak their kibble to increase their water intake. 

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