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Jessie Brown

Department Supervisor, Surgery and Ophthalmology


Jessie graduated from Harrison College for Veterinary science in 2013. After that, she explored her desire to work with horses and was at a large and small animal practice for a few years. During that time, Jessie learned that she had a strong passion for small animal medicine, surgery and critical care cases. 

Jessie has been working with VCA AVCC since 2015. She originally started her career here working in our ICU and emergency department. While working in the ER and ICU she learned about new cases, how to care for patients that had advanced diseases, and found a love for surgical care. After two years in our ER, Jessie transferred to our surgery department in 2017, and has recently been promoted to the supervisor for our surgery and ophthalmology teams. Jessie enjoys talking to clients about their patients care, helping her team learn and grow plus getting to see all the cute pitties that come in to be seen. 

When she is not at work, Jessie enjoys reading, being outside and spending time with her husband, Josh and their two dogs, Apollo and Cali Jo. Apollo and Cali also have a feline sibling named Misty, who runs the entire household.

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